Globa lEnergy Grid~Quantum Reality Establishment
- Your perception driven by beliefs create your reality
- You and me,We are One Traveling at Speed of Love in to a Future
- LightVibration ManeStream Manifestation
- Higher Human Consciousness Global Energy Grid
- Supported and Maintaind Phenomenal World – The Black Hole LifeForcePoint
- Creating Together Crystal~Line Grid
- Speed Spread Consciousness Transformation
- Globalna Transformacija Svesti
- Finski Edukativni Sistem Izaziva Divljenje i Postovanje Ostatka Sveta
- Visoko-Moralni Vrhunski Edukativni Sistem Finske Proglasen je Najboljim na Svetu
LovingOneness Spells
Let us Naw be the first in Actions towards Peace and Prosperity with LovingOneness Spells
уторак, 28. јун 2011.
Enter the New Multidimensional Reality with Positive Thought-Pattern
The Cristal Grid is the living energy matrix of Multidimensinal reality existence. Mother Earth with our spiritual teacher (Etheric,or Angelic brothers) rise consciousness and open to us the doorways, an open sight, veiv to other dimensions and realities of existence. The power of the sacred geometry within you (and out in expansion) is the key that your subconscious need to unlock. subconscious channel must be without fear implanted impact , you must erase fears with Love-Thought, Love-Action. You ar a Researcher , LightWorker with ability to explore and maneuver through other worlds in Now moment and bring information back from multidimensional reality Now (in split second). You may work equally with multidimensional beings and heal, restore, make beauty, creating new technology, enter and enable New teachings or lesson, impact overall progression. In Egzasomatoza (Astral Projections), or during meditation, or while you are completely conscious and alert, you can trawel in to time-space, to acasic records, or in potential future (watch, observe, feel, experience, collect all information in micro-second, or participate in the live play, more real than 3D reality) . Key of UnconditionalLove within are state that only you can retrieve and reclame. Control the flow of your thoughts. Exercise oversight your own thoughts can be achieved with a mantra, or auto-suggestive thought pattern. So, you will reclame, recapture pure essential overall awareness, almighty I am, with loudly proclamations (or MANTRAS): I with my own free will choose a state of love! I, the ego human deliberately choose love, it is my free will to exist in the Now moment! My will is to be a happy, progressive and in prosperity. I know that I am the eternal soul in path of creating, healing mission and I know that I am One With All That Lives. I declare any form beautiful and perfect! I want to learn and advance quickly. I don't take anything personally, (I now that other people are learning their lesson to and align behavior with their fillings). I thrust my self and make responsible choices, make them from a LovePoint. I attract abundance. I allow myself every wish fulfillment. I want to unlock the Multiverse and once again I will see multidimensional reality, composed of the Love-Hyper-Awareness Essences. I realize Love is the answer to all I seek. I will delight in Wonders of Beautiful Multidimensional reality with my Etheric teachers/brothers. Love is my only wish. Now, I will be in LovingOneness Spells and first in actions to Healing, Teaching, to Peaceful Powerful solution, in act Mass Awakening and fully All-Awaken Consciousness .I em in all and all is in me..
~OrbisErihtru(Goga Vujcin Pavlicic)~
четвртак, 23. јун 2011.
среда, 22. јун 2011.
After Wakening Consciouness you will percive Multidimensional reality
After waking consciousness will start to perceive the new etheric dimensions that meet your emergent .Percive more detailed,you will be more aware of what has always been with you,but you have not noticed.Your thoughts will be all the quicker to materialize, because you have moved the center of your attention with fear(eternally lost for the past to the future)to love and eternal reality of the moment now.You'll be like a magnet with all the greater force of attraction.The clarity of the awakened, harmonious balance and inner peace to violently or subtly doing necessary,in compliance with a unique source of all life. Old World illusion of fear is slowly disappearing. For you it is already gone.You are entering the miraculous multilayered world filled with possibilities, electricity which embody in front of you.You are the power source itself. And everything is possible.You will rejoice in Multidimensional LovingOneness reality. OrbisErihtru LightWorkers EtrelKhrista
недеља, 12. јун 2011.
Supported and Maintaind Phenomenal World - The Black Hole-LifeForcePoint
Black Hole supported and maintained phenomenal multiverse. LightVibration in the rhythm of expansion and contraction highlights and fulfilled different densities life energy forms, created by the chosen specification. All the more elaborate creations satisfied creating new inventions, according to the specification from the imagination and vision.
Black holes are the uterus, the mother of all life. They are the starting point of aim. The black hole vibration energy-consciousness arises worn involuntary impulse, giving support to the whole life, reviving and maintaining the entire phenomenal multiverse world. When the star are et the that time of returns home, she enters the black hole that would be strengthened and re-birth of the black velvet void, keeping all that pulsating energy fields. When asleep we also enter into a place that is called "Central Star" (2 fingers above the navel) inside our own black hole, restoring our energy, healed emerge in the manifest world, fired with involuntary impulse. Our own impulse to collect and spread (the state of sleep and wakefulness) is precisely the identical entry star into a black hole, from which it is dependent on energy. Within the center of each galaxy is keeping all the wonderful and amazing black hole dynamo of life. Its essential meaning is completely misinterpreted in the minds of dualism (where everything is interpreted by fear and where the star is a remarkable fusion of devouring stars, and entering the black hole is certain death.) hence the fact it is that a black hole are supported and maintained phenomenal world, material universe and all the other dimensions of existence. Their amazing power, their willingness to cures and maintained, to support and pervasive and in order to grant extensive energy food for the multi-dimensional manifestation of life. Black Hole are the Vortex of Love essence and hyper-awareness that is issuing from a single point and fulfilling whole creation. The force that supports the multiverse highlights from black hole. They generate all-pervasive field of gravity. They are regenerative point from which everything comes out the connection, healed and ready to participate in creating a new manifestation of the multidimensional world.
~OrbisErihtru (G.V.P.)
среда, 8. јун 2011.
What can you do today to create a more enlightened world tomorrow?"(Jafree Ozwald:
Light Workers Etrel Khrista Unconditional Love Force.
Multidimensional World
Within my multi-dimensional world is not limited variety of luminous shapes, formed by the essential force of love of all life. Essential lot of vibration out from the bright one, reflecting the in the plural. Footprint of its intention to create a multitude of painted all creative forms,which will appear in the thought patterns of the whole.Heart of its acceptance.Ego analyze and classifying them.Ego aluated and rank them according to belif system..>>Orbis Erihtru >>LightWorkers>>EtrelKhrista<<
The greatest global awakening in history is happening. The consciousness on our planet is shifting more rapidly than ever. There is more enlightened information available to the masses than ever before. Your ordinary human being is now learning the secrets to manifesting an extraordinary life, and is able to totally transform their life into something they love! In every country that you travel to, you'll find more people exploring alternative ways of working as everyone is learning how to tap into higher states of consciousness.
Planet Earth is finally done with kindergarten, and we are ready to take the leap into the 1st grade! This Great Awakening is not a "bad" or "good" thing; it's just part of our evolution. It's as if everyone is being invited to their own graduation party. You see all the old societal systems are breaking down because consciousness is evolving as such an exponential rate. The planet has been retaliating with its disasters, demanding a change in the way we treat ourselves and the environment. We have been living in fear, anxiety, and greed for long enough.
The world has been divided for eons, living in the illusions that some people are more powerful, richer and more amazing than others. Yes, the wool has perhaps been pulled over your eyes too! You are just as powerful, rich, and amazing on your inner world. You were born with the same manifesting powers as everyone else. You already are a super powerful manifesting being who can effortlessly create, attract, and materialize anything that you desire! There is no need to play small, helpless, and poor anymore. You are not limited by some fear-based game that others are playing into anymore. The world of "us verses them" is far outdated, and it is time we grow up, evolve, and move into the new age.
Are you willing to become a more conscious being who is living 24 hours a day in a state of joy, love and inner peace? You deserve to experience this all the time, and you can! Just start by reclaiming your own spiritual connection, and know that there is an omniscient all-intelligent Source available to you in each new moment. It feels wonderful to drop the ole ego trip and connect with the God Source. You deserve to enjoy this experience daily, and as you practice it, you'll see that this world is truly waking up all around you!
Take the first step to empowering yourself and ignite this spiritual connection right now! Start with discovering your answers to these questions, and then start practicing the Awakening Meditation ... enjoy!
What do you most need to say "NO" to, so that you
can say "YES" to a much greater version of you?
What do you need to imagine, do, or let go of, to experience
an overwhelming sensation of freedom in your life?
What is really really important to you on a global level?
What can you do today to create a more enlightened world tomorrow?"(Jafree Ozwald:
Planet Earth is finally done with kindergarten, and we are ready to take the leap into the 1st grade! This Great Awakening is not a "bad" or "good" thing; it's just part of our evolution. It's as if everyone is being invited to their own graduation party. You see all the old societal systems are breaking down because consciousness is evolving as such an exponential rate. The planet has been retaliating with its disasters, demanding a change in the way we treat ourselves and the environment. We have been living in fear, anxiety, and greed for long enough.
The world has been divided for eons, living in the illusions that some people are more powerful, richer and more amazing than others. Yes, the wool has perhaps been pulled over your eyes too! You are just as powerful, rich, and amazing on your inner world. You were born with the same manifesting powers as everyone else. You already are a super powerful manifesting being who can effortlessly create, attract, and materialize anything that you desire! There is no need to play small, helpless, and poor anymore. You are not limited by some fear-based game that others are playing into anymore. The world of "us verses them" is far outdated, and it is time we grow up, evolve, and move into the new age.
Are you willing to become a more conscious being who is living 24 hours a day in a state of joy, love and inner peace? You deserve to experience this all the time, and you can! Just start by reclaiming your own spiritual connection, and know that there is an omniscient all-intelligent Source available to you in each new moment. It feels wonderful to drop the ole ego trip and connect with the God Source. You deserve to enjoy this experience daily, and as you practice it, you'll see that this world is truly waking up all around you!
Take the first step to empowering yourself and ignite this spiritual connection right now! Start with discovering your answers to these questions, and then start practicing the Awakening Meditation ... enjoy!
What do you most need to say "NO" to, so that you
can say "YES" to a much greater version of you?
What do you need to imagine, do, or let go of, to experience
an overwhelming sensation of freedom in your life?
What is really really important to you on a global level?
What can you do today to create a more enlightened world tomorrow?"(Jafree Ozwald:
Budjenje unutar Jedinstva Svesti
Posle budjenja svesti poceces da opazas nove etericne dimenzije koje ispunjavaju tvoj pojavni svet.Opazaces mnogo detaljnije,postajaces sve svesniji onoga sto je oduvek bilo pored tebe,ali ga ti nisi primeciao.Tvoje ce se misli sve ubrzanije materijalizovati,jer si premestio centar svoje paznje sa straha(vecito zagubljen od proslosti ka buducnosti)do ljubavi i vecite stvarnosti sada trenutka. Delovaces kao magnet sa sve vecom silom privlacenja.Sa probudjenom jasnocom, harmonicnom ravnotezom i unutrasnjim mirom nastupaces silovito ili suptilno,odradjujuci potrebno,uskladjen sa jedinstvenim izvorom sveg zivota. Stari Svet iluzije straha polako nestaje.Za tebe on je vec nestao.Ti si stupio u cudesni viseslojni svet ispunjen elektricitetom mogucnosti,koje se otelotvoruju ispred tebe.Ti si sama sila izvora.I sve je moguce. OrbisErihtru LightWorkers EtrelKhrista
Awakening Consciouness
After waking consciousness will start to perceive the new etheric dimensions that meet your emergent .Percive more detailed,you will be more aware of what has always been with you,but you have not noticed.Your thoughts will be all the quicker to materialize, because you have moved the center of your attention with fear(eternally lost for the past to the future)to love and eternal reality of the moment Now. You'll be like a magnet with all the greater force of attraction.The clarity of the awakened, harmonious balance and inner peace to violently or subtly doing necessary,in compliance with a unique source of all life. Old World illusion of fear is slowly disappearing. For you it is already gone.You are entering the miraculous multilayered world filled with possibilities, electricity which embody in front of you.You are the power source itself. And everything is possible. OrbisErihtru LightWorkers EtrelKhrista
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